Mission Control AST2000



Current version: 0.27 (13.09.2018)


Older versions can be found here


This application uses the GPU extensively for rendering, so a proper graphics card is recommended. Also, running the program at lower resolutions will increase running speed.


On both mac / windows, start the application by running the "mcast" or the "ssview" file. On 64-bit linux, use "mcast_64" and "ssview_64".

  • Copy your project xml data files into the data/ directory. Both MCAst and SSView data files can be stored here, and will be identified separately.
  • MCAst can also be run with an xml file (located in the data directory) as a command-line argument, where the current spacecraft position will be used to produce a single picture before exiting..
  • Screenshots and movies are saved in "screenshots/" and "movie/", respectively.

Please note that this application is still in beta, so report any bugs to leuat@irio.co.uk or your group teacher.